Take a moment and give these souls the repect they deserve!
- A Scribe`s Family History, -
May the inquisitors harm you no more,
May you Always find peace amongst the Pines, may we always Hear your whispers on the breeze, may we always see you smile that increasable Mountain top smile that only the goddess has seen ,
May you always be Swirling high in flight amongst the clouds , Next to that deepest misty covered shadowed sky,
May you always be free Running like the stag wild and free.
May you always grant your gift to further generations .till we meet again,
upon life’s spiraling path of death and rebirth,
Dedicated to the honored witches in this scribes history.
Blessed be.
Lady red raven.
A payer sent in:
'Blessed mother, blessed beThose souls in fear who're sent to theeAnd if those souls are soon rebornI ask you, keep them safe and warmAnd give this hope and love from meTo those who need it, blessed be!'Please, light a candle for those souls and say this prayer (sorry for it's rushed simplicity - I wrote it now when I first saw the list).Blessed be,~*willow*~

What follows is a condensed and nowhere near complete timeline of the atrocities wrought upon suspected witches. Bear in mind, that this list only scratches the surface.
1651 (3/6+)Carrington, Joan, New Engl/CT Hartford, hanged as an accused witch.
1651 (3/6+)Carrington, John, New Engl/CT Hartford, hanged as an accused witch.
1651 (5/29)Parsons, Mary, New Engl/MA Springfield, executed for witchcraft and sorcery.
1651 (5/31)Parsons, Hugh, New Engl/MA Springfield, Aquitted.
1651 "Hostile Indians"?, New Engl/United Colonies?, Harassed Uncas, a Mahegan Sachem.
1651 Bassett, "Goody", New Engl/CT Stratford, hanged as an accused witch.
1651 Bradstreet, John, New Engl/MA Rowley, Fined 20 shillings and a whipping.
1651 Godman, Elizabeth, New Engl/CT New Haven, Freed her "under suspicion"
1651 Kendal, Mrs., New Engl/MA Cambridge, executed for witchcraft and sorcery.
1652, 1660-Maria Michiels, Neerlinter, d. Leau, incantations, sortileges, le cure lui refuse l'absolution
1652 Adamson, Francis: executed for witchcraft and sorcery at Durham, England, in 1652
1652 Ashby, Anne: hanged as an accused witch at Maidstone, England, in July, 1652
1652 Browne, Mary: hanged as an accused witch at Maidstone, England, in July, 1652
1652 Huxley, Catherine: hanged as an accused witch at Worcester, England in the summer of 1652
1652 Martyn, Anne: hanged as an accused witch at Maidstone, England, in July, 1652
1652 Peterson, Joan: hanged as an accused witch at Tyburn, England, in April, 1652
1652 Powle, (first name unknown): executed for witchcraft and sorcery at Durham, England, in 1652
1652 Reade, Mary: hanged as an accused witch at Maidstone, England, in July, 1652
1652 Wilson, Anne: hanged as an accused witch at Maidstone, England, in July, 1652
1652 Wright, Mildred: hanged as an accused witch at Maidstone, England, in July, 1652
1653 Bodenham, Anne: hanged as an accused witch at Salisbury, England, in 1653
1653 Godfrey, John, New Engl/MA Andover, Final trial not held until 1659, outcome unknown.
1653 Knapp, "Goody", New Engl/CT Fairfield, hanged as an accused witch.
1653 Newman, Elizabeth: executed for witchcraft and sorcery at Whitechapel, England in 1653
1653 Staples, Mrs. T., New Engl/CT Fairfield, Aquitted and her accuser, Roger Ludlow, was fined 20 Pounds
1653-Guillaume Van der Stricht, Steenhuise, d. Renaix, magie aved Petrus Valentijn, cfr no. 40
1653-Petrus Becaert, Maarke, d. Renaix, sortilege, officialite
1654 (10/16) Mrs. Rich, Acquitted, New Engl/MD Manship, her Accuser Peter Godson
1654 (9)Gilbert, Lydia, New Engl/CT Windsor, hanged as an accused witch.
1654 Lee, Mary, New Engl/MD, hanged as an accused witch at sea, No verdict found on John Bosworth
1654- 102 burned in Zuckmantel, Germany, in 1654
1654-Cornelius Huysmans cure de, Erpe, d. Alost, superstitions, officialite de Malines (De Brouwer, t, II, p. 647: Cornelius Huysman, cure de Erpe et l'ont condamne pour superstitions le 12 mars 1654; t.II, p. 732 et 768: il doit payer une amend de 17 florins.
1655 (10/4)Godman, Elizabeth, New Engl/CT New Haven, (Third Trial) Verdict "Suspicious of Witchcraft", released
1655 (9/?)Godman, Elizabeth, New Engl/CT New Haven, (Second Trial) Verdict "Suspicious of Witchcraft"
1655 Bayley, Mrs. Nicholas, New Engl/CT New Haven, Freed, but banished from the Colony.
1655 Bayley, Nicolas, New Engl/CT New Haven, Freed, but banished from the Colony.
1655 Boram, (daughter) (first name unknown): hanged as an accused witch at Bury St Edmunds, England, in 1655
1655 Boram, (mother) (first name unknown): hanged as an accused witch at Bury St Edmunds, England, in 1655
1656 (6/19)Hibbins, Anne, New Engl/MA Salem, executed for witchcraft and sorcery; hanged as an accused witch
1656 Cole, Eunice, New Engl/NH Hampton, Discharged and released.
1656 Harding, William, New Engl/VA Nrthmbrld, Ten Stripes from a lash, and permanent banishment
1656 Hibbins, Anne: hanged as an accused witch in Boston, Massachusetts on 19 June, 1656
1656 Welford, Jane, New Engl/NH Dover, Freed upon condition of good behavior.
1656-Elizabeth Van Ongelege, Geetbets, d. Leau, divinatrice
1657, 1668-une femme, Grez-Doiceau, magie et concubinage, promoteur
1657 Batchelor, Goodwife, New Engl/MA, Final result unknown.
1657 Hogg, Jane, New Engl/MA, Final result unknown.
1657 Hogg, (fnu), New Engl/MA?, Final result unknown.
1657 Meaker, William, New Engl/CT New Haven, Acquitted.
1657 Pope, Anne, New Engl/MA, Final result unknown.
1657-March, Jennette Huart-and others strangled and burned as witches in Sugny, Belgium. Read about it in in French or in English
1658 (9/5)Jenning, Margaret, New Engl/CT Saybrook, Released when the jury became hanged as an accused witch.
1658 (9/5)Jenning, Nicholas, New Engl/CT Saybrook, Released when the jury became hanged as an accused witch.
1658 Brooks, Jane: hanged as an accused witch in England on 26 March, 1658
1658 Elizabeth, Richardson, New Engl/MD, hanged as an accused witch at sea, No verdict found on Edward Prescott
1658 Garlick, Eliz. "Goody", New Engl/CT Easthamptn, Released but had to pay court costs.
1658 Grade, Katherine, New Engl/Jamestown, hanged as an accused witch at sea, Cpt. Bennet was call for by a jury
1658 Oliver, Mary: burned at Norwich, England, in 1658
1658 Orchard, (first name unknown): executed for witchcraft and sorcery at Salisbury, England, in 1658
1658- 18 burned at Castle Hill, Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1658
1658-Maria Burgels, Neerlinter, d. Leau, divinatrice
1659 Robinson, Mrs. John, New Engl/VA, Acuitted., Accuser had to pay a hefty fine.
1660 Brose, Elizabeth: tortured to death in the castle of Gommern, Germany, on 4 November, 1660
1660 Holman, Winifred, New Engl/MA Cambridge, Unknown Verdict.
1660 Holmes, Mrs. W, New Engl/Plymouth, Acquitted.
1660 Wright, Mary, New Engl/Long Island, Acquitted of Witchery; Convicted of being Quaker
1660-Vigilia Van Huverdael1660, Hoeleden, d. Leau, sortileges et "perditissima"
1661 Allen, Jonet: burned in Scotland in 1661
1662 (1/20)Greensmith, Nathanial, New Engl/CT Hartford, hanged as an accused witch., Accused by his wife Rebecca
1662 (1/20)Sanford, Andrew, New Engl/CT Hartford, Acquitted, Accused, of "disturbing" Anna Cole.
1662 Ayres, Goodwife, New Engl/CT Hartford, Accused by the daughter of John Kelley
1662 Ayres, William, New Engl/CT Hartford, Accused by the daughter of John Kelley
1662 Barnes, Mary, New Engl/CT Farmington, hanged as an accused witch.
1662 Grant, Mrs. Peter, New Engl/CT Hartford?
1662 Greensmith, (first name unknown): hanged as an accused witch in Hartford, New England, on 20 January, 1662
1662 Greensmith, Rebecca, New Engl/CT Hartford, hanged as an accused witch., Accused by William Ayres
1662 Palmer, Katherine, New Engl/CT Hartford?
1662 Sanford, Mary, New Engl/CT Hartford, hanged as an accused witch., Accused by William Ayres
1662 Seager, Elizabeth, New Engl/CT Hartford, Tried three times, acquitted twice.
1662 Varleth, Judith, New Engl/CT Hartford, Found guilty 1/6., She was released.
1662 Wakely, James, New Engl/CT Hartford, Verdict unknown, but since he quickly escaped
1663-1728 Mather, Cotton- defends the trials and executions in New England. In 1689 writes Memorable Providence Relating to Witchcrafts and Possessions
1663 Cox, Julian: executed for witchcraft and sorcery at Taunton, England, in 1663
1663 Schuler, (first name not known): burned at Lindheim, Germany on 23 February 1663
1664 Cullender, Rose: executed for witchcraft and sorcery at Bury St Edmunds, England, on 17 March 1664
1664 Duny, Amy: executed for witchcraft and sorcery at Bury St Edmunds, England, on 17 March 1664
1664 Style, Elizabeth: died in prison, at Taunton, England, in 1664
1670 Drummond, Alexander: executed for witchcraft and sorcery in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1670
1670 Oswald, Catherine: burned in Scotland in 1670
1670 Weir, Thomas: burned between Edinburgh and Leith, Scotland, on 11 April 1670
1670- 85 executed for witchcraft and sorcery at Mohra, Sweden, on 25 August, 1670
1671, 1672-un homme, Bonheiden, d. Malines, familiarite avec le diable
1671-Antoine Goyvaerts laic, Wilhelm, d. Oordegem, benefictions, superstitions
1671-le cure d', Oudegem, d. Alost, exorcismes sans permission
1672-1683, 1684-1685-Englebert Reydanus, Winksele, d. Louvain, devin, persevere, (Enferme tout d'abord chez les Alexiens de Louvain, dans l'espoir de le convertir, il est enleve par ses fils, s'enfuit a Bruxelles ou il reprend ses pratiques. Aucun ne semble avoir ete inquiete par la suite.
1674 Foster, Anne: hanged as an accused witch at Northampton, England, in 1674
1674-1677- 71 beheaded or burned in Sweden between 1674-1677
1676-Anna Scheppers, Tielt N.D., d. Diest, magie
1678- 11 burned at Prestonpans, Scotland, in 1678
1678- 90 burned at Salzburg, Austria, in 1678
1680 Thompson, Annaple: burned in Scotland in 1680
1680 Craw, William: burned in Scotland in 1680
1680 Deshayes, Catherine: burned on 22 February 1680
1680 Hamilton, Margaret: burned in Scotland in 1680
1680 Pichler, Emerenziana: burned at Defereggen, Germany, on 25 September 1680 (her two sons, aged 12 and 14, were also burned two days later)
1680 Pringle, Margaret: burned in Scotland in 1680
1680 Vickar, Bessie: burned in Scotland in 1680
1680- 36 executed for witchcraft and sorcery in Paris, France, in 1680
1681, 1687, 1697-Anna Van den Plas, Langdorp, d. Diest, "notoria peccatrix", superstitions, divinatrice
1682 Edwards, Susanna: hanged as an accused witch at Bideford, England in 1682
1682 Lloyd, Temperance: hanged as an accused witch at Bideford, England in 1682
1682 Trembles, Mary: hanged as an accused witch at Bideford, England in 1682
1684-1685- "Several" burned at Rouen, France, in 1684-1685
1687- 3 executed for witchcraft and sorcery (Suzanna, Isle and Catherine (last names unknown) at Arendsee, Germany, in 1687
1688 Glover, "Goody", New Engl/MA Salem, executed for witchcraft and sorcery; hanged as an accused witch.
1688 Glover, Goody: hanged as an accused witch at Salem, New England, in 1688
1690-1694- 36 burned at Nordlingen, Germany between 1690-1694
1690-un religieux d'Averbode, cure de, Messelbroeck, d. Diest, exorcise sans permission
1692 (2/29)Cloyce, Sarah, New Engl/MA Salem, Examined., Rebecca Nurse's sister
1692 (2/29)Tituba, Tried., New Engl/MA Salem, Carib Indian Slave
1692 (4/22)Abbott, Nehemiah, New Engl/MA Topsfield, Cleared of charges.
1692 (4/22)Bishop, Edward, New Engl/MA Salem, Examined
1692 (4/22)Bishop, Sarah, New Engl/MA Salem, Examined
1692 (4/22)Black, Mary, New Engl/MA Salem, Examined
1692 (4/22)English, Mary, New Engl/MA Salem, Examined
1692 (5/10)Dustin, Lydia, New Engl/MA Reading, Examined., Died in prison.
1692 (5/10)Jacobs, Margaret, New Engl/MA Salem, Examined
1692 (5/10)Osborne, Sarah, New Engl/MA Salem, She died in prison in Boston
1692 (5/18)Easty, Mary, New Engl/MA Salem, Released after examination.
1692 (5/2)Morey, Sarah, New Engl/MA Beverly, Examined
1692 (5/31)Alden, John, New Engl/MA Boston, Examined
1692 (5/9)Churchill, Sarah, New Engl/MA Salem, examined., One of the Afflicted girls.
1692 (6/10)Bishop, Bridget, New Engl/MA Salem, executed for witchcraft and sorcery; hanged as an accused witch
1692 (7/19)Good, Sarah, New Engl/MA Salem, executed for witchcraft and sorcery; hanged as an accused witch (Wife of a common laborer)
1692 (7/19)How, Elizabeth, New Engl/MA Topsfield, executed for witchcraft and sorcery; hanged as an accused witch
1692 (7/19)Martin, Susannah, New Engl/MA Amesbury, executed for witchcraft and sorcery
1692 (7/19)Nurse, Rebecca, New Engl/MA Salem, executed for witchcraft and sorcery; hanged as an accused witch
1692 (7/19)Wildes, Sarah, New Engl/MA Topsfield, executed for witchcraft and sorcery; hanged as an accused witch
1692 (8/19) Burroughs, George, New Engl/Maine Wells, executed for witchcraft and sorcery; hanged as an accused witch.
1692 (8/19)Carrier, Martha, New Engl/MA Andover, executed for witchcraft and sorcery; hanged as an accused witch
1692 (8/19)Jacobs, George (Sr), New Engl/MA Salem, executed for witchcraft and sorcery; hanged as an accused witch
1692 (8/19)Proctor, John, New Engl/MA Salem, executed for witchcraft and sorcery; hanged as an accused witch
1692 (8/19)Willard, John, New Engl/MA Salem, executed for witchcraft and sorcery; hanged as an accused witch
1692 (8/6)Proctor, Elizabeth, New Engl/MA Salem, Tried Witchcraft
1692 (9/16)Corey, Giles, New Engl/MA Salem, Pressed to Death.
1692 (9/17)Eames, Rebecca, New Engl/MA Andover, tried and condemned
1692 (9/17)Faulkner, Abigail (Jr), New Engl/MA Salem, tried and condemned
1692 (9/17)Faulkner, Abigail (Sr), New Engl/MA Salem, tried and condemned
1692 (9/17)Foster, Ann, New Engl/MA Andover, Tried and condemned., Died in Prison?
1692 (9/17)Hobbs, Abigail, New Engl/MA Topsfield, tried and condemned, She confessed (4/19)
1692 (9/17)Lacy, Mary, New Engl/MA Andover, (Jr), Tried and condemned., Age 15. Granddaughter of Ann Foster.
1692 (9/17)Lacy, Mary, New Engl/MA Andover, (Sr), tried and condemned., Daughter of Ann Foster
1692 (9/21)Hoar, Dorcas, New Engl/MA Beverly, Confessed. Her execution was delayed.
1692 (9/22) Reed, Wilmott, New Engl/MA Marblehead, executed for witchcraft and sorcery; hanged as an accused witch
1692 (9/22)Corey, Martha, New Engl/MA Salem, executed for witchcraft and sorcery; hanged as an accused witch
1692 (9/22)Easty, Mary, New Engl/MA Salem, executed for witchcraft and sorcery; hanged as an accused witch
1692 (9/22)Parker, Alice, New Engl/MA Salem, executed for witchcraft and sorcery; hanged as an accused witch
1692 (9/22)Parker, Mary, New Engl/MA Andover, executed for witchcraft and sorcery; hanged as an accused witch
1692 (9/22)Parker, Sarah, New Engl/MA Andover, Examined
1692 (9/22)Pudeator, Anne, New Engl/MA Salem, executed for witchcraft and sorcery; hanged as an accused witch
1692 (9/22)Scott, Margaret, New Engl/MA Salem ?, executed for witchcraft and sorcery; hanged as an accused witch
1692 (9/22)Wardwell, Samuel, New Engl/MA Andover, executed for witchcraft and sorcery; hanged as an accused witch
1692 (9/9)Bradbury, Mary, New Engl/MA Salisbury, tried and condemned 9/9
1692, 19 August Burroughs, George: executed for witchcraft and sorcery at Salem, New England, on 19 August, 1692
1692- Salem Witch Trials: five hanged as an accused witch on July 19 - August, -five were hanged as an accused witch, on September 22, another eight. (a dog was also executed for witchcraft and sorcery.)
1692 Dicer, Elizabeth, New Engl/ME Piscataqua, Examined.
1692 Dike, Rebecca, New Engl/MA Gloucester, Examined.
1692 Dolliver, Ann, New Engl/MA Gloucester, Examined.
1692 Elwell, Esther, New Engl/MA Gloucester, Examined.
1692 Emons, Joseph, New Engl/MA Manchester, Examined.
1692 Frost, Nicholas, New Engl/MA Manchester, Examined
1692 Peney, Joan, New Engl/MA Gloucester, Examined.
1692 Piscataqua, Hardy, New Engl/ME, Thomas, Examined
1692 Prince, Margaret, New Engl/MA Gloucester, Examined.
1692 Roe, Abigail, New Engl/MA Gloucester, Examined.
1692 Sparks, Martha, New Engl/MA Chelmsford, Examined.
1692, Candy, New Engl/MA Salem, Examined Barbados Slave.
1692 Abbott, Arthur, New Engl/MA Ipswich ?, Examined
1692 Andrew, Daniel, New Engl/MA Salem, Examined
1692 Barker, Abigail, New Engl/MA Andover, Examined
1692 Barker, Mary, New Engl/MA Andover, Examined
1692 Barker, William (Jr.), New Engl/MA Andover, Examined
1692 Barker, William (Sr.), New Engl/MA Andover, Confessed.
1692 Bassett, Sarah, New Engl/MA Lynn, Examined
1692 Bibber, Sarah, New Engl/MA Wenham, Examined
1692 Bishop, Briget: hanged as an accused witch at Salem, New England on 10 June, 1692
1692 Bridges, Mary (Jr), New Engl/MA Andover, Accused.
1692 Bridges, Mary (Sr), New Engl/MA Andover, Accused.
1692 Bridges, Sarah, New Engl/MA Andover, Examined
1692 Bromage, Hannah, New Engl/MA Andover, Examined
1692 Buckley, Sarah, New Engl/MA Salem, Examined
1692 Carrier, Andrew, New Engl/MA Andover, Verdict? Son of Thomas and Martha Carrier
1692 Carrier, Martha: executed for witchcraft and sorcery at Salem, New England, on 19 August, 1692
1692 Carrier, Richard, New Engl/MA Andover, Verdict? Son of Thomas and Martha Carrier
1692 Carrier, Sarah, New Engl/MA Andover, Confessed., Daughter of Thomas and Martha Carrier (Age 8)
1692 Carrier, Thomas (Jr.), New Engl/MA Andover, Confessed. Son of Thomas and Martha Carrier
1692 Carroll, Hannah, New Engl/MA Salem, Examined.
1692 Carter, Bethia (Jr.), New Engl/MA Woburn, Examined.
1692 Carter, Bethia (Sr.), New Engl/MA Woburn, Examined.
1692 Cary, Elizabeth, New Engl/MA Charlestn, Examined.
1692 Clarke, Mary, New Engl/MA Haverhill, Examined.
1692 Clenton, Rachel, New Engl/MA Ipswich, Examined.
1692 Cole, Sarah, New Engl/MA Lynn, Examined.
1692 Cole, Sarah, New Engl/MA Salem, Examined.
1692 Colson, Elizabeth, New Engl/MA Reading, Examined.
1692 Colson, Mary, New Engl/MA Reading, Examined.
1692 Corey, Giles: pressed to death at Salem, New England, on 19 September, 1692
1692 Corey, Martha: executed for witchcraft and sorcery at Salem, New England, on 22 September, 1692
1692 Dane, Deliverance, New Engl/MA Andover, Examined.
1692 Davis, Sarah, New Engl/MA Wenham, Examined.
1692 DeRich, Mary, New Engl/MA Salem, Examined.
1692 Downing, Mehitabel, New Engl/MA Ipswich?, Examined.
1692 Draper, Joseph, New Engl/MA Andover, Examined.
1692 Dustin, Sarah, New Engl/MA Reading, Examined.
1692 Eames, Daniel, New Engl/MA Andover, Examined.
1692 Easty, Mary: executed for witchcraft and sorcery at Salem, New England, on 22 September, 1692
1692 Emerson, Martha, New Engl/MA Haverhill, Examined.
1692 English, Philip, New Engl/MA Salem, Examined
1692 Farrer, Thomas, New Engl/MA Lynn, Examined
1692 Farrington, Edward, New Engl/MA Andover, Examined
1692 Faulkner, Dorothy, New Engl/MA Andover, Examined
1692 Flood, John, New Engl/MA Rowley, Examined
1692 Fosdick, Elizabeth, New Engl/MA Malden, Examined
1692 Fry, Eunice, New Engl/MA Andover, Examined
1692 Good, Dorcas, New Engl/MA Salem, Examined
1692 Good, Sarah: executed for witchcraft and sorcery at Salem, New England, on 19 July, 1692
1692 Green, Mary, New Engl/MA Haverhill, Examined
1692 Hart, Elizabeth, New Engl/MA Lynn, Examined
1692 Hatfield, Rachel, New Engl/MA Ipwich?, Examined
1692 Hawks, Margaret, New Engl/MA Salem, Examined
1692 Hawks, Sarah, New Engl/MA Andover, Examined
1692 Hobbs, Deliverance, New Engl/MA Topsfield, Examined
1692 Hobbs, William, New Engl/MA Topsfield, Examined
1692 How, Elizabeth: executed for witchcraft and sorcery at Salem, New England, on 19 July, 1692
1692 Howard, John, New Engl/MA Rowley, Examined
1692 Hubbard, Elizabeth, New Engl/MA Salem, Examined
1692 Hutchins, Francis, New Engl/MA Haverhill, Examined
1692 Ireson, Mary, New Engl/MA Lynn, Examined
1692 Jackson, John (Jr), New Engl/MA Rowley, Examined
1692 Jackson, John (Sr), New Engl/MA Rowley, Examined
1692 Jacobs, George (Jr), New Engl/MA Salem, Examined
1692 Jacobs, George: executed for witchcraft and sorcery at Salem, New England, on 19 August, 1692
1692 Jacobs, Rebecca, New Engl/MA Salem, Examined
1692 Johnson, Abigail, New Engl/MA Andover, Examined. Age 11.
1692 Johnson, Elizabeth (Jr), New Engl/MA Andover, Examined. Age 22.
1692 Johnson, Elizabeth (Sr), New Engl/MA Andover, Examined. Age 51.
1692 Johnson, Rebecca, New Engl/MA Andover, Examined.
1692 Johnson, Stephen, New Engl/MA Andover, Examined. Age 13.
1692 Lee, John, New Engl/MA Andover, Examined.
1692 Lewis, Mercy, New Engl/MA Salem, Examined.
1692 Lilly, Jane, New Engl/MA Malden, Examined.
1692 Marston, Mary, New Engl/MA Andover, Examined.
1692 Martin, Susannah: executed for witchcraft and sorcery at Salem, New England, on 19 July, 1692
1692 Nurse, Rebecca: executed for witchcraft and sorcery at Salem, New England, on 19 July, 1692
1692 Osborne, Mary, New Engl/MA Andover, Examined.
1692 Osburne, Sarah: died in prison at Boston, Massachusetts, 10 May 1692
1692 Paine, Ellizabeth, New Engl/MA Andover, Examined.
1692 Parker, Alice: executed for witchcraft and sorcery at Salem, New England, on 22 September, 1692
1692 Parker, Mary: executed for witchcraft and sorcery at Salem, New England, on 22 September, 1692
1692 Pease, Sarah, New Engl/MA Salem, Examined.
1692 Post, Hannah, New Engl/MA Rowley, Examined.
1692 Post, Mary, New Engl/MA Rowley, Examined.
1692 Post, Susannah, New Engl/MA Andover, Examined.
1692 Procter, John: executed for witchcraft and sorcery at Salem, New England, on 19 August, 1692
1692 Proctor, Benjamin, New Engl/MA Salem, Examined.
1692 Proctor, Sarah, New Engl/MA Salem, Examined.
1692 Proctor, William, New Engl/MA Salem, Examined.
1692 Pudeator, Anne: executed for witchcraft and sorcery at Salem, New England, on 22 September, 1692
1692 Reed, Wilmot: executed for witchcraft and sorcery at Salem, New England, on 22 September, 1692
1692 Rice, Sarah, New Engl/MA Reading, Examined.
1692 Roots, Susannah, New Engl/MA Beverly, Examined.
1692 Salter, Henry, New Engl/MA Andover, Examined.
1692 Sawdy, John, New Engl/MA Andover, Examined.
1692 Scott, Margaret: executed for witchcraft and sorcery at Salem, New England, on 22 September, 1692
1692 Sears, Ann, New Engl/MA Woburn, Examined.
1692 Sheldon, Susannah, New Engl/MA Salem ?, Examined.
1692 Somes, Abigail, New Engl/MA Salem, Examined.
1692 Taylor, Mary, New Engl/MA Reading, Examined.
1692 Tookey, Job, New Engl/MA Beverly, Examined.
1692 Toothaker, New Engl/MA Billerica, Examined. (Daughter of Mary)
1692 Toothaker, Jerson, New Engl/MA Billerica, Examined.
1692 Toothaker, Mary, New Engl/MA Billerica, Examined.
1692 Toothaker, Roger, New Engl/MA Billerica, Examined.
1692 Tyler, Johanna, New Engl/MA Andover, Examined.
1692 Tyler, Martha, New Engl/MA Andover, Confessed
1692 Vincent "Widow", Examined.
1692 Wardwell, Mercy, New Engl/MA Andover, Examined.
1692 Wardwell, Samuel: executed for witchcraft and sorcery at Salem, New England, on 22 September, 1692
1692 Wardwell, Sarah, New Engl/MA Andover, Examined.
1692 Warren, Sarah, New Engl/MA Salem, Examined.
1692 Wildes, Sarah: executed for witchcraft and sorcery at Salem, New England, on 19 July, 1692
1692 Wilford, Ruth, New Engl/MA Haverhill, Examined.
1692 Willard, John: executed for witchcraft and sorcery at Salem, New England, on 19 August, 1692
1692 Williams, Abigail, New Engl/MA Salem, Examined.
1692 Wilson, Sarah (Jr.), New Engl/MA Andover, Examined.
1692 Wilson, Sarah (Sr.), New Engl/MA Andover, Confessed
1692 Witheridge, Mary, New Engl/MA Salem, Examined.
1693 Chambers, (first name unknown): died in prison, in England, in 1693
1693-Petrus Van Cauenberghe, Mater, d. Renaix, devin et "famosus potator"...
1697 Reid, John: hanged as an accused witch himself in prison, in Scotland, in 1697
1697- 5 burned at Paisley, Scotland, on 10 June, 1697
1698- 9 persons burned at Burghausen, Germany, all under 16 years of age, on 26 March, 1698
1699- 1 burned at Antrim, Ireland, in 1699
1704 Corset, Janet: killed by a mob at Pittenweem, Scotland, in 1704
1705 Rattray, George: executed for witchcraft and sorcery in Spott, Scotland, in 1705
1705 Rattray, Lachlan: executed for witchcraft and sorcery in Spott, Scotland, in 1705
1705- "Many" burned at Spott Loan, Scotland, in 1705
1710-Pater Avertein carme dechausse cure de, Grand Bigard, d. Bruxelles, exercice illegal de la medecine, officialite (De Brouwer, t. II, 9. 687: le pere Avertein est poursuivi par le corps des medecins de Bruxelles pour exercice illegal de la medecine.)
1712, 1716 Exact Date Unknown, Zeelik, d. Bruxelles, exorcismes, pour denouer l'aiguillette
1716 and 1717- 2 persons killed in the Trentino, Austria, between 1716 and 1717
1718- 1 executed for witchcraft and sorcery in France, in 1718
1722- 2 persons, a mother and daughter, burned in Scotland, in 1722
1728- 13 burned at Szegedin, hanged as an accused witchary, in 1728
1730 - 1 burned at Szegedin, hanged as an accused witchary, in 1730
1737-1739-Adrien Van Achter forgeron, Herzele, d. Alost, exorcismes sur gens et betes officialite (De Brouwer, t. I, p.98: il est condamne par la cour spirituelle en 1739.
1738- 13 burned alive at Szegedin, hanged as an accused witchary on 23 July, 1738
1739-Lievin Segers, Denderwindeke, d. Grammont, menaces malefiques, on, on lui fait des cadeaux parce qu'on le craint ...
1744- 3 burned at Karpfen, Germany, in 1744
1746- 1 executed for witchcraft and sorcery at Szegedin, hanged as an accused witchary, in 1746
1746- 3 burned at Muhlbach, Germany, in 1746
1749 Mossau, Renata von: beheaded and burned in Bavaria, Germany, on 21 June, 1749
1751 Bayerin, Anna: executed for witchcraft and sorcery at Salzburg, Austria, in 1751
1751 Osborne, (husband) (first name unknown): killed by a mob at Tring, Herefordshire, England, in 1751
1751 Osborne, (wife) Ruth: killed by a mob at Tring, Herefordshire, England, in 1751
1752- 1 executed for witchcraft and sorcery at Maros Vasarheli, (nation unknown), 1752
1772 Nathan, Abraham: executed for witchcraft and sorcery at Haeck, Germany, on 24 September, 1772
1772 and 1779- 100 + executed for witchcraft and sorcery at Haeck, Germany between 1772 and 1779
1775 Schwaegel, Anna Maria: beheaded at Kempten, Germany, on 11 April, 1775
1782-Anna Goeldin, hanged as an accused witch at Glaris in Switzerland, June 17, -1782.
1782-Last witch burned in Europe.
1782 Goeldin, Anna: hanged as an accused witch at Glaris, Switzerland, on 17 June, 1782
1792-The last trial and judicial execution in Europe itself was probably that of two aged beldames, Satanists, who were burned at the stake in Poland, 1793-, the year of the Second Partition, during reign of Stanislaus Augustus Poniatowski.
1793- 2 burned in Poland in 1793
1800's- "Several" burned in South America during the 1800's
1808 Russell, Alice: killed by a mob at Great Paxton, England, 20 May 1808
1865 "Dummy" (name unknown; he was deaf-and-dumb): killed by a mob at Sible Hedingham, England, on 3 August, 1865
1875 Turner, Ann: murdered in England, in 1875
1920-Joan of Arc declared a saint.
1922 Challiot, (first name unknown): murdered at St. Georges, France, in February, 1922
1925- 1 shot by a policeman at Uttenheim, Germany, on suspicion of being a were-wolf, in November, 1925
1929- Montague Summers writes introductions for old books used for Inquisition, praising their works.
1929- 1 murdered in Pennsylvania in 1929
Today- Rural/tribal men, women, and children (even entire families) are accused and burned as witches by superstitious, frenzied communities. This atrocity is not limited to women, there have been whole families lynched for poor crops and "traditional witchcraft".
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