Night flows into day, day flows into night, again and again, revealing the never ending cycle of renewal and creation.The Lunar phases mark the passages of Earth, Sun and Moon. Galaxy upon Galaxy, in infinite space dances with creationAnd everywhere there are expressions essence of the Great GoddessTo us on Earth, Her essence is green mingled with blue.Her milk is Star Dust . . . offered to all creationThe ceaseless Cosmic winds are Her breathAtoms are Her the cells of Her blood Her form is All Things
When we look to the sky we are our ancestors, eternal humans gazing into the endless expanse. The millions of Stars that shower us with their energy are the same stars that they looked upon. The same Stars that saw them paint sacred caves. The same Stars that shone as they sculpted the ancient Venus figures.These are same Stars that helped them to see what was Sacred. Stars that bathed the Moon and Goddesses of our ancestorsin eternal energy and light.
Look to the Stars . . . they are the doorway to timelessnessThey will help you to know the eternal moment that is NowBreath in the Star Dust and reclain simply "Being Alive" Listen to their silence voices, speaking through light . . . Whispering that your life is Sacred . . . and timelessAll life is Sacred and each moment is preciousEternity is Now
I release my isolation to the StarsBreathing in the Energy that connects all thingsAllowing my body to be caressed by NatureFilling my lungs with eternal BreathFilling my senses with the joy

In time . . . when my life wanes Returning my body to Star DustHeld in the body of the Great GoddessI will again be the Energy of Life
You are one busy gal to have so many blogs! I'm impressed!
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Thanks much for finding my site worth checking out now and then. FYI the photo of the lab is not Sasha but it looks like her.
Anyway---over the weekend I received more then 900 hits due to posting my projects on the Blog Tour for SU! So, I had to let you know that I've got a chance for YOU to win some Blog Candy. Details are posted with my Chelmsford Lion Celebrate card.
Hope you'll check out soon--you have from now through Tuesday to leave a comment.
Best of luck! Nola